Circular Leadership & Policy

May 28, 2024
8.30am-5pm, registration from 8.00am


Absberggasse 27, 1100 Vienna


The Circular Economy Summit Austria 2024, hosted by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) aims to discuss best practice policies from European countries and facilitate the exchange between decision makers. Participants from business, politics, administration, and civil society will discuss, among other topics, policies that have proven successful in initiating the transition to a circular economy. 

The aim of this transformation is to strengthen the competitiveness of the European economy, focus on innovation-led progress, build crisis-resistant supply chains, and consider environmental and societal impacts.

The conversation at international and national level will address questions such as the policies needed to strengthen enterprises in international competition, the importance of private investment, monitoring of progress and the cooperation needed at the European level.

The summit aims to connect decision-makers from business, government, and society for cross-border exchange of knowledge and to highlight the potential of Austria and its businesses as key players in a circular economy.

Contact the organisation team at 

Selection of confirmed speakers
Leonore Gewessler
Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Dr.phil. et Dr.iur.
Diplomat, Section Lead International Cultural Affairs (V), Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs
Cathrine Barth
Managing Partner, Nordic Circular Hotspot
Manfred Renner
Head of Institute Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Marijana Novak
Fellow Director Circularity Gap Solutions, Circle Economy, NL
Berthold Kren
CEO, Holcim Austria
Jack Barrie
Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House UK
Agnieszka Sznyk
President of the Board, INNOWO, PL
Philipp Horner
CSO, Voestalpine HPM
Robert Zadrazil
Country Manager Austria, Unicredit
Ladeja Godina Košir
Chair EU Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
Stefan Grafenhorst
Vice President People & Sustainability Greiner AG
Patrick Schroeder
Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House UK
Thomas Arnoldner
Deputy CEO der A1 Telekom Austria Group
Deliloglu Alpaslan
Herbert Seitner
Sustainability Lead, Microsoft Austria
Patrizia-Ilda Valentini
Head of Mobilize, Renault Österreich GmbH
Smail Alhilali
Chief, Division of Circular Economy and Green Industry, United Nations Industrial Development Organization 
8:30-9:00 am
Registration & Coffee
9:00-9:20 am

9:20-9:40 am

9:40-10:30 am

10:30-11:00 am
Coffee Break & Circularity Now! Expo
11:00-11:50 am

11:50-12:40 am

12:40-2:00 pm
Lunch Break & Circularity Now! Expo
1:00-1:30 pm

2:00-2:50 pm

2:55-3:45 pm

3:45-4:00 pm

4:00-5:00 pm
Circularity Now! Expo & Networking
The event is organized as a green event according to the Austrian environmental label.
Previous events
Circular Economy Summit Austria 2022
Supported by Circular Economy Forum Austria
© 2025 Circular Economy Summit
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